Part IV
Developer’s guide

25 Iterators
 25.1 Introduction
 25.2 Programming Interface
 25.3 Image Iterators
 25.4 Neighborhood Iterators
26 Image Adaptors
 26.1 Image Casting
 26.2 Adapting RGB Images
 26.3 Adapting Vector Images
 26.4 Adaptors for Simple Computation
 26.5 Adaptors and Writers
27 Streaming and Threading
 27.1 Introduction
 27.2 Streaming and threading in OTB
 27.3 Division strategies
28 How To Write A Filter
 28.1 Terminology
 28.2 Overview of Filter Creation
 28.3 Streaming Large Data
 28.4 Threaded Filter Execution
 28.5 Filter Conventions
 28.6 How To Write A Composite Filter
29 Persistent filters
 29.1 Introduction
 29.2 Architecture
 29.3 An end-to-end example
30 How to write an application
 30.1 Application design
 30.2 Architecture of the class
 30.3 Composite application
 30.4 Compile your application
 30.5 Execute your application
 30.6 Testing your application
 30.7 Application Example
31 Adding New Modules
 31.1 How to Write a Module
 31.2 The otb-module.cmake file
 31.3 The CMakeLists.txt file
 31.4 The include folder
 31.5 The src folder
 31.6 The app folder
 31.7 The test folder
 31.8 Including a remote module in OTB
32 Contributors Guidelines