BandMath - Band Math ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Outputs a monoband image which is the result of a mathematical operation on several multi-band images. Detailed description -------------------- This application performs a mathematical operation on several multi-band images and outputs the result into a monoband image. The given expression is computed at each pixel position. Evaluation of the mathematical formula is done by the muParser libraries. The formula can be written using: * numerical values ( 2.3, -5, 3.1e4, ...) * variables containing pixel values (e.g. : 'im2b3' is the pixel value in 2nd image, 3rd band) * binary operators: * '+' addition, '-' subtraction, '*' multiplication, '/' division * '^' raise x to the power of y * '<' less than, '>' greater than, '<=' less or equal, '>=' greater or equal * '==' equal, '!=' not equal * '||' logical or, '&&' logical and * if-then-else operator: '(condition ? value_true : value_false)' * functions : exp(), log(), sin(), cos(), min(), max(), ... The full list of features and operators is available on the muParser website [1]. Parameters ---------- This section describes in details the parameters available for this application. Table [#]_ presents a summary of these parameters and the parameters keys to be used in command-line and programming languages. Application key is *BandMath* . .. [#] Table: Parameters table for Band Math. +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |Parameter Key|Parameter Name |Parameter Type | +=============+==================================+==========================+ |il |Input image-list |Input image list | +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |out |Output Image |Output image | +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |ram |Available RAM (Mb) |Int | +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |exp |Expression |String | +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |inxml |Load otb application from xml file|XML input parameters file | +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |outxml |Save otb application to xml file |XML output parameters file| +-------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ - **Input image-list**: Image-list of operands to the mathematical expression. - **Output Image**: Output image which is the result of the mathematical expressions on input image-list operands. - **Available RAM (Mb)**: Available memory for processing (in MB). - **Expression**: The muParser mathematical expression to apply on input images. - **Load otb application from xml file**: Load otb application from xml file. - **Save otb application to xml file**: Save otb application to xml file. Example ------- To run this example in command-line, use the following: :: otbcli_BandMath -il verySmallFSATSW_r.tif verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif verySmallFSATSW.tif -out apTvUtBandMathOutput.tif -exp 'cos( im1b1 ) > cos( im2b1 ) ? im3b1 : im3b2' To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet: :: #!/usr/bin/python # Import the otb applications package import otbApplication # The following line creates an instance of the BandMath application BandMath = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("BandMath") # The following lines set all the application parameters: BandMath.SetParameterStringList("il", ['verySmallFSATSW_r.tif', 'verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif', 'verySmallFSATSW.tif']) BandMath.SetParameterString("out", "apTvUtBandMathOutput.tif") BandMath.SetParameterString("exp", "'cos( im1b1 ) > cos( im2b1 ) ? im3b1 : im3b2'") # The following line execute the application BandMath.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~ None Authors ~~~~~~~ This application has been written by OTB-Team. See Also ~~~~~~~~ These additional resources can be useful for further information: | [1]