Smoothing - Smoothing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Apply a smoothing filter to an image Detailed description -------------------- This application applies a smoothing filter to an image. Three methodes can be used : a gaussian filter , a mean filter , or an anisotropic diffusion using the Perona-Malik algorithm. Parameters ---------- This section describes in details the parameters available for this application. Table [#]_ presents a summary of these parameters and the parameters keys to be used in command-line and programming languages. Application key is *Smoothing* . .. [#] Table: Parameters table for Smoothing. +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |Parameter Key |Parameter Name |Parameter Type | +=======================+==================================+==========================+ |in |Input Image |Input image | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |out |Output Image |Output image | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |ram |Available RAM (Mb) |Int | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type |Smoothing Type |Choices | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type mean |Mean | *Choice* | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type gaussian |Gaussian | *Choice* | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type anidif |Anisotropic Diffusion | *Choice* | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type.mean.radius |Radius |Int | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type.gaussian.radius |Radius |Float | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type.anidif.timestep |Time Step |Float | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type.anidif.nbiter |Nb Iterations |Int | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |type.anidif.conductance|Conductance |Float | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |inxml |Load otb application from xml file|XML input parameters file | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ |outxml |Save otb application to xml file |XML output parameters file| +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------+ **Input Image**: Input image to smooth. **Output Image**: Output smoothed image. **Available RAM (Mb)**: Available memory for processing (in MB). **Smoothing Type**: Smoothing kernel to apply. Available choices are: - **Mean** * **Radius**: Kernel's radius (in pixels). - **Gaussian** * **Radius**: Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used to filter the image. - **Anisotropic Diffusion** * **Time Step**: Time step that will be used to discretize the diffusion equation. * **Nb Iterations**: Number of iterations needed to get the result. * **Conductance**: Controls the sensitivity of the conductance term in the diffusion equation. The lower it is the stronger the features will be preserved. **Load otb application from xml file**: Load otb application from xml file. **Save otb application to xml file**: Save otb application to xml file. Examples -------- :Example 1: Image smoothing using a mean filter.To run this example in command-line, use the following: :: otbcli_Smoothing -in Romania_Extract.tif -out smoothedImage_mean.png uchar -type mean To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet: :: #!/usr/bin/python # Import the otb applications package import otbApplication # The following line creates an instance of the Smoothing application Smoothing = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("Smoothing") # The following lines set all the application parameters: Smoothing.SetParameterString("in", "Romania_Extract.tif") Smoothing.SetParameterString("out", "smoothedImage_mean.png") Smoothing.SetParameterOutputImagePixelType("out", 1) Smoothing.SetParameterString("type","mean") # The following line execute the application Smoothing.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() :Example 2: Image smoothing using an anisotropic diffusion filter.To run this example in command-line, use the following: :: otbcli_Smoothing -in Romania_Extract.tif -out smoothedImage_ani.png float -type anidif -type.anidif.timestep 0.1 -type.anidif.nbiter 5 -type.anidif.conductance 1.5 To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet: :: #!/usr/bin/python # Import the otb applications package import otbApplication # The following line creates an instance of the Smoothing application Smoothing = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("Smoothing") # The following lines set all the application parameters: Smoothing.SetParameterString("in", "Romania_Extract.tif") Smoothing.SetParameterString("out", "smoothedImage_ani.png") Smoothing.SetParameterOutputImagePixelType("out", 6) Smoothing.SetParameterString("type","anidif") Smoothing.SetParameterFloat("type.anidif.timestep", 0.1) Smoothing.SetParameterInt("type.anidif.nbiter", 5) Smoothing.SetParameterFloat("type.anidif.conductance", 1.5) # The following line execute the application Smoothing.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~ None Authors ~~~~~~~ This application has been written by OTB-Team.