
Computes SAR correction grid.


This application creates a deformation grid by correcting the DEM grid with correlation grid. The output grid is a VectorImage composed of two values : shift in range and shift in azimut. The inputs of this application are also vector image with three components. This application can directly take the projectd DEM.

This application has several output images and supports “multi-writing”. Instead of computing and writing each image independently, the streamed image blocks are written in a synchronous way for each output. The output images will be computed strip by strip, using the available RAM to compute the strip size, and a user defined streaming mode can be specified using the streaming extended filenames (type, mode and value). Note that multi-writing can be disabled using the multi-write extended filename option: &multiwrite=false, in this case the output images will be written one by one. Note that multi-writing is not supported for MPI writers.


Input DEM grid (Vector Image) -indemgrid image Mandatory
Input DEM Grid Vector Image (Shift_ran, Shift_azi, NbDEMPts for contribution).

Input Correlation grid (Vector Image) -incorgrid image Mandatory
Input orrelation Grid Vector Image (Shift_ran, Shift_azi, Correlation_rate).

Output Correction grid (Vector Image) -out image [dtype] Mandatory
Output Correction Grid Vector Image (Shift_ran, Shift_azi).

Threshold for correlation rate -threshold float Default value: 0.3
Threshold for correlation rate.

Maximum difference between input grid values and mean values -gap float Default value: 0.7
Maximum difference between input grid values and mean values.

Give an advantage to DEM or Correlation Grid -advantage string
Give an advantage to DEM or Correlation Grid.

Available RAM (MB) -ram int Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).


From the command-line:

otbcli_SARCorrectionGrid -indemgrid ./demGrid.tiff -incorgrid ./corGridL.tiff -out correctionGrid.tif

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("SARCorrectionGrid")

app.SetParameterString("indemgrid", "./demGrid.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("incorgrid", "./corGridL.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("out", "correctionGrid.tif")



Only Sentinel 1 (IW and StripMap mode) and Cosmo products are supported for now.