Adding New Modules

This chapter is concerned with the creation of new modules. The following sections give precise instructions about:

  • the organization of directories
  • the included files
  • what they must contain

How to Write a Module

There is a template of OTB remote module which help you start developing a remote module: External Module Template.

Each module is made of different components, described in the following sections.

The otb-module.cmake file

This file is mandatory. It follows the CMake syntax, and has two purposes:

  • Declare dependencies to other modules,
  • Provide a short description of the module purpose.

These purposes are fulfilled by a single CMake Macro call:

otb_module(TheModuleName DEPENDS OTBModule1 OTBModule2 ... OTBModuleN DESCRIPTION "A description string")

Note: You can use the keyword TESTDEPENDS to declare module dependencies that only applies to the tests.

The CMakeLists.txt file

The CMakeLists.txt file is mandatory. It contains only a few things. First, it declares a new CMake project with the name of the module:


Second, if the module contain a library (see src folder section below), it initializes the TheModuleNameLIBRARIES CMake variable (if your module only contains headers or template code, skip this line):

set(TheModuleName_LIBRARIES OTBTheModuleName)

You can build your remote modules inside the OTB source tree by copying your source inside the directory Module/Remote or against an existing OTB build tree (note that it does not work with an install version of OTB).

The configuration below will handle both cases and take care of all the CMake plumbing of the module:

  find_package(OTB REQUIRED)

The overall file should look like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
set(ExternalTemplate_LIBRARIES OTBTheModuleName)

  find_package(OTB REQUIRED)

The include folder

The include folder will contain all your headers (*.h files) and template method files (*.hxx or *.hxx). It does not require any additional file (in particular, no CMakeLists.txt file is required).

The src folder

The src folder contains the internal implementation of your module:

  • It typically contains cxx source files that will be compiled into a library.
  • It can contain header files for classes used only within the implementation files of your module. Any header file present in the src folder will not be installed, and will not be available to other modules depending on your module.

If your modules is made of template only code, you do not need a src folder at all.

If present, the src folder requires a CMakeLists.txt file.

The first part of the CMakeLists.txt file is classical, as it builds the library and links it:


add_library(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBTheModuleName_SRC})

target_link_libraries(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBModule1_LIBRARIES} ${OTBModule2_LIBRARIES} ... ${OTBModuleN_LIBRARIES})


  • Library name should match the one declared in the root CMakeLists.txt when setting CMake variable TheModuleNameLIBRARIES,
  • Linked libraries should match the dependencies of your module declared in the root otb-module.cmake file.

The last line of CMake code takes care of installation instructions:


The overall CMakeLists.txt file should look like:


add_library(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBTheModuleName_SRC})

target_link_libraries(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBModule1_LIBRARIES} ${OTBModule2_LIBRARIES} ... ${OTBModuleN_LIBRARIES})


The app folder

The app folder contains the code of applications shipped with your module. If your module has no application, you do not need the app folder.

Notes: If your module contains application (and an app folder), do not forget to add the ApplicationEngine in the dependencies listed in the otb-module.cmake file.

In addition to the applications source code, the app folder should contain a CMakeLists.txt file as follows.

For each application, a single call otbcreateapplication is required:

  NAME           TheModuleApplication1
  SOURCES        TheModuleApplication1.cxx

The test folder

This folder contains tests of the module. If your module has no test in it (which is not recommended, you do not need it).

The test folder should contain the source files of tests, as well as a CMakeLists.txt file. This file will contain the following.

First, indicate that this folder contains tests.


Then, build the test driver:


add_executable(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleNameTests})

target_link_libraries(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleName-Test_LIBRARIES})


Finally, you can add your tests:

otb_add_test(NAME nameOfTheTest COMMAND otbTheModuleNameTestDriver
             --compare-image ${EPSILON_8} ... # baseline comparison if needed

If your module contains one or more application in the app folder, you should also write tests for them, in the test folder. Running an application test is easily done with the helper macro otbtestapplication:

otb_test_application(NAME   nameofApplication1Test1
                      APP  TheModuleApplication1
                      OPTIONS -in1 ${INPUTDATA}/input1.tif
                              -in2 ${INPUTDATA}/input2.tif
                              -out ${TEMP}/nameofApplication1Test1_result.tif
                      VALID   --compare-image ${EPSILON_8}

Overall CMakeLists.txt should look like:



add_executable(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleNameTests})

target_link_libraries(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleName-Test_LIBRARIES})


otb_add_test(NAME nameOfTheTest COMMAND otbTheModuleNameTestDriver
             --compare-image ${EPSILON_8} ... # baseline comparison if needed

Including a remote module in OTB

  • Local build of a remote module

Your remote module can be build inside the OTB source tree or outside as a external CMake project with an existing OTB. Please note in that case that you’ll have to set OTBDIR CMake option.

If OTBDIR is an OTB build tree, there are two ways of compiling:

  • Build as a module, in which case build files will be written to the OTB build tree as other modules. Main benefit is that this will enrich the current OTB build with your new module, but you need to have write access to the build directory.
  • Build as a standalone CMake project, in which case build files will remain in the module build folder. This build is fully independent from the build (or install) directory, but the module will not be recognized as an OTB module (still you will be able to use its binaries and libraries).

This behaviour is controlled by the OTB_BUILD_MODULE_AS_STANDALONE, which is OFF by default (hence first behaviour).

Note that when dealing with an installed OTB, only the second behaviour (build as standalone) is available.

Optionally, you can build your new remote module inside the OTB source tree by simply copy the folder containing the module component to Modules/Remote, then run CMake configuration. you should see a new CMake option named MODULETheModuleName. Simply turn this option to ON, and finish CMake configuration. Your module will be built with the rest of the OTB project.

  • Sharing your remote module

To make your remote module available to others when building OTB, you should provide a CMake file named TheModuleName.remote.cmake file for inclusion in the Modules/Remote folder in OTB source tree.

This file should contain the following:

# Contact: Author name <author email address>

  "A description of the module, to appear during CMake configuration step"

  GIT_REPOSITORY http_link_to_a_git_repository_hosting the module
  GIT TAG the git revision to checkout

This file should be provided along with your remote module inclusion proposal email to the otb community list. Please refer to the contributors guidelines for more information.