
Computes Pantex textural features on the selected channel of the input image


This application computes a texture-derived built-up presence index (PanTex) from texturalcharacteristics of scalar images. This is a contrast textural measure based on co-occurance.


Input Image -in image Mandatory
The input image to compute the features on.

Selected Channel -channel int Default value: 1
The selected channel index

Output Image -out image [dtype] Mandatory
Output image containing the selected texture features.

Image minimum -min float
Input image minimum. If this parameter is not set, the application will compute the minimum of the image.

Image maximum -max float
Input image maximum. If this parameter is not set, the application will compute the maximum of the image.

Window radius (x direction) -sradx int Default value: 4
Radius of the window on which textures are computed (x direction)

Window radius (y direction) -srady int Default value: 4
Radius of the window on which textures are computed (y direction)

Number of bins per axis for histogram generation -nbin int Default value: 8
Number of bins per axis for histogram generation (number of gray levels considered in the computation of co-occurance).

Available RAM (MB) -ram int Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).


From the command-line:

otbcli_PantexTextureExtraction -in qb_RoadExtract.tif -channel 2 -min 0 -max 255 -nbin 8 -srady 4 -sradx 4

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("PantexTextureExtraction")

app.SetParameterString("in", "qb_RoadExtract.tif")
app.SetParameterInt("channel", 2)
app.SetParameterFloat("min", 0)
app.SetParameterFloat("max", 255)
app.SetParameterInt("nbin", 8)
app.SetParameterInt("srady", 4)
app.SetParameterInt("sradx", 4)


See also

Pesari, M., A. Gerhardinger, F. Kayitakire. 2008. A robust built-up area presence index by anisotropic rotation-invariant textural measure. IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing.Vol1, NO3.