.. _ReadImageInfo: ReadImageInfo ============= Get information about the image Description ----------- Display information about the input image like: image size, origin, spacing, metadata, projections... Parameters ---------- .. contents:: :local: .. |br| raw:: html
.. |em| raw:: html   **Input Image** :code:`-in image` *Mandatory* |br| Input image to analyse **Display the image metadata** :code:`-imagemetadata bool` *Default value: false* |br| Output the image metadata. It contains metadata information (sensor model, geometry ). Information is stored as pairs of key/value. **Write the image metadata to a geom file** :code:`-outgeom filename [dtype]` |br| This option allows extracting the image metadata of the image into a geom file. **Start index X** :code:`-indexx int` *Mandatory* |br| X start index **Start index Y** :code:`-indexy int` *Mandatory* |br| Y start index **Size X** :code:`-sizex int` *Mandatory* |br| X size (in pixels) **Size Y** :code:`-sizey int` *Mandatory* |br| Y size (in pixels) **Pixel Size X** :code:`-spacingx float` *Mandatory* |br| Pixel size along X (in physical units) **Pixel Size Y** :code:`-spacingy float` *Mandatory* |br| Pixel size along Y (in physical units) **Image Origin X** :code:`-originx float` *Mandatory* |br| Origin along X **Image Origin Y** :code:`-originy float` *Mandatory* |br| Origin along Y **Estimated ground spacing X** :code:`-estimatedgroundspacingx float` *Mandatory* |br| Estimated ground spacing along X (in meters). **Estimated ground spacing Y** :code:`-estimatedgroundspacingy float` *Mandatory* |br| Estimated ground spacing along Y (in meters). **Number Of Bands** :code:`-numberbands int` *Mandatory* |br| Number of bands **Data type** :code:`-datatype string` *Mandatory* |br| Data type **Sensor id** :code:`-sensor string` *Mandatory* |br| Sensor identifier **Image id** :code:`-id string` *Mandatory* |br| Image identifier **Acquisition time** :code:`-time string` *Mandatory* |br| Acquisition time. **Upper left latitude** :code:`-ullat float` *Default value: 0* |br| Latitude of the upper left corner. **Upper left longitude** :code:`-ullon float` *Default value: 0* |br| Longitude of the upper left corner. **Upper right latitude** :code:`-urlat float` *Default value: 0* |br| Latitude of the upper right corner. **Upper right longitude** :code:`-urlon float` *Default value: 0* |br| Longitude of the upper right corner. **Lower right latitude** :code:`-lrlat float` *Default value: 0* |br| Latitude of the lower right corner. **Lower right longitude** :code:`-lrlon float` *Default value: 0* |br| Longitude of the lower right corner. **Lower left latitude** :code:`-lllat float` *Default value: 0* |br| Latitude of the lower left corner. **Lower left longitude** :code:`-lllon float` *Default value: 0* |br| Longitude of the lower left corner. **Nearest town** :code:`-town string` *Mandatory* |br| Main town near center of image **Country** :code:`-country string` *Mandatory* |br| Country of the image Default RGB Display ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This group of parameters provide information about the default rgb composition. **Red Band** :code:`-rgb.r int` *Default value: 1* |br| Red band Number **Green Band** :code:`-rgb.g int` *Default value: 2* |br| Green band Number **Blue Band** :code:`-rgb.b int` *Default value: 3* |br| Blue band Number ------------ **Projection** :code:`-projectionref string` *Mandatory* |br| Projection Coordinate System Ground Control Points information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This group of parameters provide information about all GCPs. **GCPs Number** :code:`-gcp.count int` *Default value: 0* |br| Number of GCPs **GCP Projection** :code:`-gcp.proj string` *Mandatory* |br| Projection Coordinate System for GCPs **GCPs Id** :code:`-gcp.ids string1 string2...` *Mandatory* |br| GCPs identifier **GCPs Info** :code:`-gcp.info string1 string2...` *Mandatory* |br| GCPs Information **GCPs Image Coordinates** :code:`-gcp.imcoord string1 string2...` *Mandatory* |br| GCPs Image coordinates **GCPs Geographic Coordinates** :code:`-gcp.geocoord string1 string2...` *Mandatory* |br| GCPs Geographic Coordinates ------------ **Metadata** :code:`-metadata string` *Mandatory* |br| Image metadata Examples -------- From the command-line: .. code-block:: bash otbcli_ReadImageInfo -in QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif From Python: .. code-block:: python import otbApplication app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("ReadImageInfo") app.SetParameterString("in", "QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif") app.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()