
class otbApplication.Application(*args, **kwargs)

This class represent an application.

This class is an abstract class that is used to set a framework for the different applications that will derived from it. It defines the basic actions that one needs to create or use an application, mainly through parameter manipulation. See the Parameter class documentation for more information.

C++ includes: otbWrapperApplication.h

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


AddDocTag(tag) Add a tag to the application doc tag
AddExample(*args) Add an example to the application doc example.
AddImageToParameterInputImageList(parameter, img) Add an image to an InputImageList parameter.
AddObserver(event, arg1)
AddParameterStringList(parameter, str) Add a value to a parameter list as a string.
ClearParameterInputImageList(parameter) Clear all images from an InputImageList parameter.
ClearValue(paramKey) If a user value was provided clear it and update the other parameters
DisableParameter(paramKey) Disable the use of an optional parameter.
EnableParameter(paramKey) Enable the use of an optional parameter.
Execute() Run the application.
ExecuteAndWriteOutput() Run the application, then writes all the output to disk if they have an associated filename.
GetCLExample() Generate the first command line example
GetChoiceKeys(choiceKey) Returns the list of choices (key) of the ListView parameter or the Choice parameter.
GetChoiceNames(choiceKey) Returns the list of choices (name) of the ListView parameter or the Choice parameter.
GetDescription() Get the application description
GetDocAuthors() Doc element accessors.
GetDocLimitations() Doc element accessors.
GetDocLongDescription() Doc element accessors.
GetDocName() Doc element accessors.
GetDocSeeAlso() Doc element accessors.
GetDocTags() Get the application doc tag
GetExampleComment(id) Get the comment of the id th example of the application doc example
GetExampleNumberOfParameters(id) Get the number of parameter of the id th example of the application doc
GetExampleParameterKey(exId, paramId) Get the parameter key of the paramId th parameter of the id th example of
GetExampleParameterValue(exId, paramId) Get the parameter value of the paramId th parameter of the id th example of
GetHtmlExample() Generate the first command line example (HTML style)
GetImageAsNumpyArray(paramKey[, dt]) Get an image as a Numpy Array of type dt.
GetName() Get the application name
GetNameOfClass() RTTI support
GetNumberOfElementsInParameterInputImageList(…) Get the number of images in an InputImageList parameter.
GetNumberOfExamples() Get the number of example in the application doc example
GetOutputParametersSumUp() Return all enable parameters which role is Role_Output
GetParameterAsString(paramKey) Get the parameter as a std::string
GetParameterByKey(name) Get the internal application parameter specified.
GetParameterComplexOutputImage(parameter) Get the complex output image parameter.
GetParameterComplexOutputImagePixelType(…) Get the pixel type in which the complex image will be saved.
GetParameterDescription(arg2) Returns the description of a parameter.
GetParameterFloat(parameter) Get a floating from a parameter.
GetParameterInt(parameter) Get an integer from a parameter.
GetParameterList() Get the internal application parameters
GetParameterName(arg2) Returns the name of a parameter.
GetParameterOutputImage(parameter) Get the output image parameter
GetParameterOutputImagePixelType(parameter) Get the pixel type in which the image will be saved.
GetParameterRole(paramKey) Get the role of the parameter
GetParameterString(parameter) Get a string parameter value.
GetParameterStringList(parameter) Get a string list parameter value.
GetParameterType(paramKey) Get the parameter type
GetParameterTypeAsString(parameter_type) Get the parameter_type as a string “parameter_type”.
GetParameterUserLevel(paramKey) Return the user level of access to a parameter
GetParameterValue(paramKey) TODO
GetParametersKeys([recursive]) Get the list of all parameters as a vector of their key.
GetVectorImageAsNumpyArray(paramKey[, dt]) Get an vector image as a Numpy Array of type dt.
HasAutomaticValue(paramKey) Return true if the specified parameter was set automatically in the application.
HasUserValue(paramKey) Returns true if the parameter has an associated value provided externally (not automatically computed by the application).
HasValue(paramKey) Returns true if the parameter has an associated value.
Init() Initialize the application, instantiating the parameter list
IsApplicationReady() Checks if the application is ready to be executed.
IsMandatory(paramKey) Return true if the specified parameter is mandatory.
IsParameterEnabled(paramKey) Return the enable state of an optional parameter.
Print(os[, indent])
SetDescription(_arg) Set the application description
SetDocAuthors(_arg) Doc element accessors.
SetDocExampleParameterValue(key, value[, exId]) Set the parameter key value of the id th example of the application doc
SetDocLimitations(_arg) Doc element accessors.
SetDocLongDescription(_arg) Doc element accessors.
SetDocName(_arg) Doc element accessors.
SetDocSeeAlso(_arg) Doc element accessors.
SetDocTags(val) Set the application doc tag to val
SetExampleComment(comm, i) Set the i th example comment to comm
SetImageFromDoubleNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromFloatNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromNumpyArray(paramKey, npArray) Set the Image of paramKey from a Numpy Array.
SetImageFromUInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetName(name) Set the application name
SetNthParameterInputImageList(parameter, id, img) Set the nth image of an InputImageList parameter.
SetNthParameterStringList(parameter, id, str) Set the nth value of a parameter list as a string.
SetParameterComplexInputImage(parameter, …) Set the input complex image parameter.
SetParameterComplexOutputImagePixelType(…) Set the complex pixel type in which the image will be saved.
SetParameterDescription(paramKey, dec) Set the description of a parameter.
SetParameterEmpty(parameter, value[, …]) Set Active flag to value and UserValue to hasUserValueFlag .
SetParameterFloat(parameter, value[, …]) Set a floating value.
SetParameterInputImage(parameter, inputImage) Set the input image parameter
SetParameterInt(parameter, value[, …]) Set an integer value.
SetParameterOutputImagePixelType(parameter, …) Set the pixel type in which the image will be saved.
SetParameterString(parameter, value[, …]) Set a string value.
SetParameterStringList(parameter, values[, …]) Set a string value.
SetParameterUserValue(paramKey, value) Set UserValue flag of parameter with key paramKey
SetParameterValue(paramKey, value) TODO
SetVectorImageFromDoubleNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromFloatNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromNumpyArray(paramKey, npArray) Set the VectorImage of paramKey from a Numpy Array.
SetVectorImageFromUInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
UpdateParameters() Update the value of parameters for which no user value has been provided
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Add a tag to the application doc tag


Add an example to the application doc example.

Return the id of the added example
AddImageToParameterInputImageList(parameter, img)

Add an image to an InputImageList parameter.

Add an image to an InputImageList parameter as an ImageBase pointer instead of reading from file. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • img :

    The ImageBase * of the image to add

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter

AddParameterStringList(parameter, str)

Add a value to a parameter list as a string.

Can be called for parameter type ParameterType_InputImageList .

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • str :

    The filename of the image to add

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter


Clear all images from an InputImageList parameter.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter


If a user value was provided clear it and update the other parameters


Disable the use of an optional parameter.


Enable the use of an optional parameter.


Run the application.

For pipeline ready application, this only wire and configure the pipeline, and provides the output image or vector data parameters as pointers.

In other cases, the application must handle the I/O (intermediary results for example)

Returns 0 on success, or a non-null integer on error


Run the application, then writes all the output to disk if they have an associated filename.

This is a helper function for wrappers without pipeline support.

Returns 0 on success, or a non-null integer on error


Generate the first command line example


Returns the list of choices (key) of the ListView parameter or the Choice parameter.


Returns the list of choices (name) of the ListView parameter or the Choice parameter.


Get the application description


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Get the application doc tag


Get the comment of the id th example of the application doc example


Get the number of parameter of the id th example of the application doc example

GetExampleParameterKey(exId, paramId)

Get the parameter key of the paramId th parameter of the id th example of the application doc example

GetExampleParameterValue(exId, paramId)

Get the parameter value of the paramId th parameter of the id th example of the application doc example


Generate the first command line example (HTML style)

GetImageAsNumpyArray(paramKey, dt='float')

Get an image as a Numpy Array of type dt.

If datatype is unknown this method assumes to numpy.float32 Valid datatypes are: * int8 * int16 * int32 * uint8 * uint16 * uint32 * float * double

NOTE: This method always return an numpy array with dimension 3


Get the application name


Get the number of images in an InputImageList parameter.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

The number of images

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter


Get the number of example in the application doc example


Return all enable parameters which role is Role_Output

Return all parameters which role is Role_Output and that are enable in a vector of pairs that contains the parameter key (first) and its value (second).


Get the parameter as a std::string

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_String
  • ParameterType_InputFilename
  • ParameterType_OutputFilename
  • ParameterType_Directory
  • ParameterType_InputImage
  • ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
  • ParameterType_InputVectorData
  • ParameterType_OutputImage
  • ParameterType_OutputVectorData
  • ParameterType_ListView
  • ParameterType_Choice
  • ParameterType_OutputProcessXML
  • ParameterType_InputProcessXML
  • ParameterType_StringList (get parameter string list)
  • ParameterType_InputImageList (get parameter string list)
  • ParameterType_InputVectorDataList (get parameter string list)
  • ParameterType_InputFilenameList (get parameter string list)
  • ParameterType_Int
  • ParameterType_Radius
  • ParameterType_RAM

Get the internal application parameter specified.

WARNING: this method may disappear from the API


Get the complex output image parameter.

Get the complex output image parameter as an ImageBase * instead of writing to disk. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

The ImageBase * pointer to the output image

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an ComplexOutputImageParameter


Get the pixel type in which the complex image will be saved.

Can be called for type ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage


Returns the description of a parameter.


Get a floating from a parameter.

Can be called for type ParameterType_Float


Get an integer from a parameter.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_Int
  • ParameterType_Float
  • ParameterType_Radius
  • ParameterType_Choice
  • ParameterType_RAM

Get the internal application parameters

WARNING: this method may disappear from the API


Returns the name of a parameter.


Get the output image parameter

Get the output image parameter as an ImageBase * instead of writing to disk. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

The ImageBase * to the output image

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an OutputImageParameter


Get the pixel type in which the image will be saved.

Can be called for type ParameterType_OutputImage


Get the role of the parameter


Get a string parameter value.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_String
  • ParameterType_InputFilename
  • ParameterType_OutputFilename
  • ParameterType_Directory
  • ParameterType_InputImage (get the filename)
  • ParameterType_ComplexInputImage (get the filename)
  • ParameterType_InputVectorData (get the filename)
  • ParameterType_OutputImage (get the filename)
  • ParameterType_OutputVectorData (get the filename)
  • ParameterType_ListView (get the string list)
  • ParameterType_Choice (get the string list)

Get a string list parameter value.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_StringList
  • ParameterType_ListView (get the filename list)
  • ParameterType_InputImageList (get the filename list)
  • ParameterType_InputVectorDataList (get the filename list)
  • ParameterType_InputFilenameList (get the filename list)

Get the parameter type


Get the parameter_type as a string “parameter_type”.


Return the user level of access to a parameter




Get the list of all parameters as a vector of their key.

The recursive allows you to get all parameters inside group prameter (default value is )

GetVectorImageAsNumpyArray(paramKey, dt='float')

Get an vector image as a Numpy Array of type dt.

If datatype is unknown this method assumes to numpy.float32 Valid datatypes are: * int8 * int16 * int32 * uint8 * uint16 * uint32 * float * double NOTE: This method always return an numpy array with dimension 3


Return true if the specified parameter was set automatically in the application.


Returns true if the parameter has an associated value provided externally (not automatically computed by the application).


Returns true if the parameter has an associated value.

This value can be an automatically computed value, default value, or a value set externally by user


Initialize the application, instantiating the parameter list


Checks if the application is ready to be executed.

It checks that there is no parameter missing.


Return true if the specified parameter is mandatory.


Return the enable state of an optional parameter.


Set the application description


Doc element accessors.

SetDocExampleParameterValue(key, value, exId=0)

Set the parameter key value of the id th example of the application doc example to val


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Doc element accessors.


Set the application doc tag to val

SetExampleComment(comm, i)

Set the i th example comment to comm

SetImageFromDoubleNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromFloatNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromNumpyArray(paramKey, npArray)

Set the Image of paramKey from a Numpy Array.

This method takes a numpy array and set ImageIOBase of InputImageParameter by creating an otbImage with same pixel type as numpyarray.dtype

SetImageFromUInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetImageFromUInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)

Set the application name

SetNthParameterInputImageList(parameter, id, img)

Set the nth image of an InputImageList parameter.

Set the nth image of an InputImageList parameter as an ImageBase pointer instead of reading from file. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • id :

    Position at which to set the ImageBase pointer

  • img :

    The ImageBase * of the image to add

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter or if id is out of bounds

SetNthParameterStringList(parameter, id, str)

Set the nth value of a parameter list as a string.

Can be called for parameter type ParameterType_InputImageList .

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • id :

    Position at which to set the ImageBase pointer

  • str :

    The filename of the image to add

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageList parameter or if id is out of bounds

SetParameterComplexInputImage(parameter, inputImage)

Set the input complex image parameter.

Set the input complex image parameter as an ImageBase * instead of filename. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • inputImage :

    ImageBase pointer to use as input

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an ComplexInputImageParameter

SetParameterComplexOutputImagePixelType(parameter, cpixelType)

Set the complex pixel type in which the image will be saved.

Can be called for type ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage

SetParameterDescription(paramKey, dec)

Set the description of a parameter.

SetParameterEmpty(parameter, value, hasUserValueFlag=True)

Set Active flag to value and UserValue to hasUserValueFlag .

SetParameterFloat(parameter, value, hasUserValueFlag=True)

Set a floating value.

Can be called for type ParameterType_Float

SetParameterInputImage(parameter, inputImage)

Set the input image parameter

Set the input image parameter as an ImageBase * instead of filename. Useful to connect pipelines between different application instances.

  • parameter :

    The parameter key

  • inputImage :

    ImageBase pointer to use as input

  • itk::Exception :

    if parameter is not found or not an InputImageParameter

SetParameterInt(parameter, value, hasUserValueFlag=True)

Set an integer value.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_Int
  • ParameterType_Float
  • ParameterType_Radius
  • ParameterType_Choice
SetParameterOutputImagePixelType(parameter, pixelType)

Set the pixel type in which the image will be saved.

Can be called for type ParameterType_OutputImage

SetParameterString(parameter, value, hasUserValueFlag=True)

Set a string value.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_Choice
  • ParameterType_ListView
  • ParameterType_String
  • ParameterType_InputFilename
  • ParameterType_OutputFilename
  • ParameterType_Directory
  • ParameterType_RAM
  • ParameterType_Int (conversion)
  • ParameterType_Float (conversion)
  • ParameterType_Radius (conversion)
  • ParameterType_InputImage (set filename)
  • ParameterType_ComplexInputImage (set filename)
  • ParameterType_InputVectorData (set filename)
  • ParameterType_OutputImage (set filename)
  • ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage (set filename)
  • ParameterType_OutputVectorData (set filename)
  • ParameterType_OutputProcessXML (set filename)
  • ParameterType_InputProcessXML (set filename)
SetParameterStringList(parameter, values, hasUserValueFlag=True)

Set a string value.

Can be called for types :

  • ParameterType_StringList
  • ParameterType_InputFilenameList
  • ParameterType_ListView (set selected names)
  • ParameterType_InputVectorDataList (set filenames)
  • ParameterType_InputImageList (set filenames)
SetParameterUserValue(paramKey, value)

Set UserValue flag of parameter with key paramKey

SetParameterValue(paramKey, value)


SetVectorImageFromDoubleNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromFloatNumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromNumpyArray(paramKey, npArray)

Set the VectorImage of paramKey from a Numpy Array.

This method takes a numpy array and set ImageIOBase of InputImageParameter by creating an otbVectorImage with same pixel type as numpyarray.dtype. NOTE: Input (npArray) must be an ndarray with 3 dimension, len(npArray.shape) must be > 2

SetVectorImageFromUInt16NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt32NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt64NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)
SetVectorImageFromUInt8NumpyArray_(pkey, buffer)

Update the value of parameters for which no user value has been provided