
Perform Dimension reduction of the input image.


Performs dimensionality reduction on input image. PCA,NA-PCA,MAF,ICA methods are available. It is also possible to compute the inverse transform to reconstruct the image and to optionally export the transformation matrix to a text file.


Input Image -in image Mandatory
The input image to apply dimensionality reduction.

Output Image -out image [dtype]
output image. Components are ordered by decreasing eigenvalues.

Rescale Output

Output min value -rescale.outmin float Default value: 0
Minimum value of the output image.

Output max value -rescale.outmax float Default value: 255
Maximum value of the output image.

** Inverse Output Image** -outinv image [dtype]
reconstruct output image.

Algorithm -method [pca|napca|maf|ica] Default value: pca
Selection of the reduction dimension method.

  • PCA
    Principal Component Analysis.
  • NA-PCA
    Noise Adjusted Principal Component Analysis.
  • MAF
    Maximum Autocorrelation Factor.
  • ICA
    Independent Component Analysis using a stabilized fixed point FastICA algorithm.

NA-PCA options

Set the x radius of the sliding window -method.napca.radiusx int Default value: 1

Set the y radius of the sliding window -method.napca.radiusy int Default value: 1

ICA options

number of iterations -method.ica.iter int Default value: 20

Give the increment weight of W in [0, 1] -method.ica.mu float Default value: 1

Nonlinearity -method.ica.g [tanh|exp|u3] Default value: tanh
Nonlinearity used in the FastICA algorithm

  • tanh
    g(x) = tanh(x)
  • exp
    g(x) = -exp(-x^2/2)
  • u^3
    g(x) = u^3(x)

Number of Components -nbcomp int Default value: 0
Number of relevant components kept. By default all components are kept.

Normalize -normalize bool Default value: false
Center and reduce data before Dimensionality reduction.

Transformation matrix output (text format) -outmatrix filename [dtype]
Filename to store the transformation matrix (csv format)

Available RAM (MB) -ram int Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).


From the command-line:

otbcli_DimensionalityReduction -in cupriteSubHsi.tif -out FilterOutput.tif -method pca

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("DimensionalityReduction")

app.SetParameterString("in", "cupriteSubHsi.tif")
app.SetParameterString("out", "FilterOutput.tif")



This application does not provide the inverse transform and the transformation matrix export for the MAF.

See also

“Kernel maximum autocorrelation factor and minimum noise fraction transformations,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 612-624, (2011)