DimensionalityReduction - Dimensionality reduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Perform Dimension reduction of the input image. Detailed description -------------------- Performs dimensionality reduction on input image. PCA,NA-PCA,MAF,ICA methods are available. It is also possible to compute the inverse transform to reconstruct the image. It is also possible to optionally export the transformation matrix to a text file. Parameters ---------- This section describes in details the parameters available for this application. Table [#]_ presents a summary of these parameters and the parameters keys to be used in command-line and programming languages. Application key is *DimensionalityReduction* . .. [#] Table: Parameters table for Dimensionality reduction. +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |Parameter Key |Parameter Name |Parameter Type | +====================+==========================================+==========================+ |in |Input Image |Input image | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |out |Output Image |Output image | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |rescale |Rescale Output. |Group | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |rescale.outmin |Output min value |Float | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |rescale.outmax |Output max value |Float | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |outinv | Inverse Output Image |Output image | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method |Algorithm |Choices | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method pca |PCA | *Choice* | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method napca |NA-PCA | *Choice* | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method maf |MAF | *Choice* | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method ica |ICA | *Choice* | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method.napca.radiusx|Set the x radius of the sliding window. |Int | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method.napca.radiusy|Set the y radius of the sliding window. |Int | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method.ica.iter |number of iterations |Int | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |method.ica.mu |Give the increment weight of W in [0, 1] |Float | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |nbcomp |Number of Components. |Int | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |normalize |Normalize. |Boolean | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |outmatrix |Transformation matrix output (text format)|Output File name | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |ram |Available RAM (Mb) |Int | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |inxml |Load otb application from xml file |XML input parameters file | +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ |outxml |Save otb application to xml file |XML output parameters file| +--------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ **Input Image**: The input image to apply dimensionality reduction. **Output Image**: output image. Components are ordered by decreasing eigenvalues. **[Rescale Output.]** - **Output min value**: Minimum value of the output image. - **Output max value**: Maximum value of the output image. **Inverse Output Image**: reconstruct output image. **Algorithm**: Selection of the reduction dimension method. Available choices are: - **PCA**: Principal Component Analysis. - **NA-PCA**: Noise Adjusted Principal Component Analysis. * **Set the x radius of the sliding window.** * **Set the y radius of the sliding window.** - **MAF**: Maximum Autocorrelation Factor. - **ICA**: Independent Component Analysis. * **number of iterations** * **Give the increment weight of W in [0, 1]** **Number of Components.**: Number of relevant components kept. By default all components are kept. **Normalize.**: center AND reduce data before Dimensionality reduction. **Transformation matrix output (text format)**: Filename to store the transformation matrix (csv format). **Available RAM (Mb)**: Available memory for processing (in MB). **Load otb application from xml file**: Load otb application from xml file. **Save otb application to xml file**: Save otb application to xml file. Example ------- To run this example in command-line, use the following: :: otbcli_DimensionalityReduction -in cupriteSubHsi.tif -out FilterOutput.tif -method pca To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet: :: #!/usr/bin/python # Import the otb applications package import otbApplication # The following line creates an instance of the DimensionalityReduction application DimensionalityReduction = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("DimensionalityReduction") # The following lines set all the application parameters: DimensionalityReduction.SetParameterString("in", "cupriteSubHsi.tif") DimensionalityReduction.SetParameterString("out", "FilterOutput.tif") DimensionalityReduction.SetParameterString("method","pca") # The following line execute the application DimensionalityReduction.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~ This application does not provide the inverse transform and the transformation matrix export for the MAF. Authors ~~~~~~~ This application has been written by OTB-Team. See Also ~~~~~~~~ These additional resources can be useful for further information: | "Kernel maximum autocorrelation factor and minimum noise fraction transformations," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 612-624, (2011)