Band Math

Perform a mathematical operation on monoband images

Detailed description

This application performs a mathematical operation on monoband images.Mathematical formula interpretation is done via MuParser libraries. For MuParser version superior to 2.0 uses ‘&&’ and ‘||’ logical operators, and ternary operator ‘boolean_expression ? if_true : if_false’ For older version of MuParser (prior to v2) use ‘and’ and ‘or’ logical operators, and ternary operator ‘if(; ; )’. The list of features and operators is available on MuParser website:


This section describes in details the parameters available for this application. Table [1] presents a summary of these parameters and the parameters keys to be used in command-line and programming languages. Application key is BandMath .

[1]Table: Parameters table for Band Math.
Parameter Key Parameter Type Parameter Description
il Input image list Input image list
out Output image Output image
ram Int Int
exp String String
inxml XML input parameters file XML input parameters file
outxml XML output parameters file XML output parameters file
  • Input image list: Image list to perform computation on.
  • Output Image: Output image.
  • Available RAM (Mb): Available memory for processing (in MB).
  • Expression: The mathematical expression to apply. Use im1b1 for the first band, im1b2 for the second one...
  • Load otb application from xml file: Load otb application from xml file.
  • Save otb application to xml file: Save otb application to xml file.


To run this example in command-line, use the following:

otbcli_BandMath -il verySmallFSATSW_r.tif verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif verySmallFSATSW.tif -out apTvUtBandMathOutput.tif -exp "cos(im1b1) > cos(im2b1) ? im3b1 : im3b2 "

To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet:


# Import the otb applications package
import otbApplication

# The following line creates an instance of the BandMath application
BandMath = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("BandMath")

# The following lines set all the application parameters:
BandMath.SetParameterStringList("il", ['verySmallFSATSW_r.tif', 'verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif', 'verySmallFSATSW.tif'])

BandMath.SetParameterString("out", "apTvUtBandMathOutput.tif")

BandMath.SetParameterString("exp", "cos(im1b1) > cos(im2b1) ? im3b1 : im3b2 ")

# The following line execute the application




This application has been written by OTB-Team.