Fuzzy Model estimation

Estimate feature fuzzy model parameters using 2 vector data (ground truth samples and wrong samples).

Detailed description

Estimate feature fuzzy model parameters using 2 vector data (ground truth samples and wrong samples).


This section describes in details the parameters available for this application. Table [1] presents a summary of these parameters and the parameters keys to be used in command-line and programming languages. Application key is DSFuzzyModelEstimation .

[1]Table: Parameters table for Fuzzy Model estimation.
Parameter Key Parameter Type Parameter Description
psin Input vector data Input vector data
nsin Input vector data Input vector data
belsup String list String list
plasup String list String list
cri String String
wgt Float Float
initmod Input File name Input File name
desclist String list String list
maxnbit Int Int
optobs Boolean Boolean
out Output File name Output File name
inxml XML input parameters file XML input parameters file
outxml XML output parameters file XML output parameters file
  • Input Positive Vector Data: Ground truth vector data for positive samples.
  • Input Negative Vector Data: Ground truth vector data for negative samples.
  • Belief Support: Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute belief.
  • Plausibility Support: Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute plausibility.
  • Criterion: Dempster Shafer criterion (by default (belief+plausibility)/2).
  • Weighting: Coefficient between 0 and 1 to promote undetection or false detections (default 0.5).
  • initialization model: Initialization model (xml file) to be used. If the xml initialization model is set, the descriptor list is not used (specified using the option -desclist).
  • Descriptor list: List of the descriptors to be used in the model (must be specified to perform an automatic initialization).
  • Maximum number of iterations: Maximum number of optimizer iteration (default 200).
  • Optimizer Observer: Activate the optimizer observer.
  • Output filename: Output model file name (xml file) contains the optimal model to perform information fusion.
  • Load otb application from xml file: Load otb application from xml file.
  • Save otb application to xml file: Save otb application to xml file.


To run this example in command-line, use the following:

otbcli_DSFuzzyModelEstimation -psin cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_gt.shp -nsin cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_wr.shp -belsup "ROADSA" -plasup "NONDVI" "ROADSA" "NOBUIL" -initmod Dempster-Shafer/DSFuzzyModel_Init.xml -maxnbit 4 -optobs true -out DSFuzzyModelEstimation.xml

To run this example from Python, use the following code snippet:


# Import the otb applications package
import otbApplication

# The following line creates an instance of the DSFuzzyModelEstimation application
DSFuzzyModelEstimation = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("DSFuzzyModelEstimation")

# The following lines set all the application parameters:
DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterString("psin", "cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_gt.shp")

DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterString("nsin", "cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_wr.shp")

DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterStringList("belsup", ['"ROADSA"'])

DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterStringList("plasup", ['"NONDVI"', '"ROADSA"', '"NOBUIL"'])

DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterString("initmod", "Dempster-Shafer/DSFuzzyModel_Init.xml")

DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterInt("maxnbit", 4)


DSFuzzyModelEstimation.SetParameterString("out", "DSFuzzyModelEstimation.xml")

# The following line execute the application




This application has been written by OTB-Team.