Supported file formats

OTB relies on GDAL for reading and writing data (either raster or vector images). This means that all formats supported by GDAL are theoretically also supported by OTB. That being said, there are some limitations.

Raster images

Reading a raster image

GDAL provides a very large panel of drivers to access metadata in image files. OTB stores the metadata in a special dictionary called otbImageMetadata. There is a metadata framework that uses interfaces (ImageMetadataInterface) to link data read by GDAL to the otbImageMetadata. Thus, to access metadata for a specific sensor, the corresponding interface is required. At this time, available interfaces are:






One Tiff file per polarization, or one HDF5 file containing all the data. See HDF particularity below.









We recommend the use of the tiff/jp2000 file. Indeed, when reading the DIMAP file we noticed that the image is shifted by 0.5 pixel (this is a documented bug in GDAL).




Radarsat 2



Sentinel 1


Use the tiff file, not the manifest.

Sentinel 2


Use JPEG2000 or TIFF file instead of XML as band order in XML is not correctly supported.

Spot 5


RPC not available.

Spot 6/7





Use the cos file, not the main XML. MGD products are not supported.

WorldView 2



Sensors not in this list can still be used with OTB, but the metadata won’t be accessible.

Full products generally contain multiple files (image files, manifest, metadata files, etc). For SAR products, OTB takes necessarily an image file. For optical sensor, OTB can also take the manifest file as input. In that case, OTB will consider all the bands of the product.

Writing a raster image

OTB uses a correspondence table to link a specific file extension to a GDAL driver. This means that formats not present in this table can’t be written, even if the driver exists in GDAL. The formats available in OTB for writing a raster are:

  • GTiff (.tif / .tiff)

  • ENVI (.hdr)

  • HFA (.img)

  • NITF (.ntf)

  • PNG (.png)

  • JPEG (.jpg / .jpeg)

  • PCIDSK (.pix)

  • ISIS2 (.lbl / .pds)

  • JP2OpenJPEG / JP2KAK / JP2ECW (.j2k / .jp2 / .jpx)

A particularity of HDF datasets

When reading a HDF dataset, one needs to select the right subdataset using the Extended Filename &sdataidx=<(int)idx>. For example, in some CosmoSkyMed products, the first subDataset is a quicklook, and the actual product is the second subdataset.

Vector data

OTB can read all vector formats supported by OGR. But the writing process is a little tricky. OTB implements two ways of dealing with writing vector data. The first one uses OGR::Datasource. The second one uses otb::VectorData. Depending on which class is used by the application, different formats are available. This is confusing, and we plan on fixing this. For now, formats fully supported (IE. supported by all applications) are:

  • ESRI Shapefile (.shp)

  • MapInfo File (.tab)

  • Geographical Markup Language (.gml)

  • GPS Exchange Format (.gpx)

  • SQLite (.sqlite)

  • Keyhole Markup Language (.kml)

  • GeoPackage (.gpkg)

Digital Elevation Model

Many OTB application use an elevation model as input, usually with the parameter “-elev.dem”. This parameter accepts any raster file supported by GDAL, or a directory containing such files. In this second case, all rasters from the input directory will be opened by GDAL, so it could be a good idea to use a VRT. Beware that the DEM folder should contain only DEM files. It is the same for the geoid with the parameter “-elev.geoid”. One can usually set a default elevation with the parameter “-elev.default”.

Depending on the provided parameters, the application will:

  • compute the DEM + the value of the geoid if both the DEM and the geoid are provided.

  • use the default value if none is provided.

  • use the value read in the DEM if only the DEM is provided.

  • compute the default elevation + the value of the geoid if only the geoid is provided.

A note on the egm96.grd file

In previous OTB versions (using Ossim) it was common to use the egm96.grd file as geoid. This file cannot be opened by GDAL. However it is still possible to use it by using the following egm96.grd.hdr file:

samples = 1441
lines   = 721
bands   = 1
header offset = 24
file type = ENVI Standard
data type = 4
interleave = bsq
sensor type = Unknown
byte order = 1
wavelength units = Unknown
map info = {Geographic Lat/Lon, 1, 1,-0.125, 90.125, 0.25, 0.25,WGS-84}
coordinate system string = {GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]}
band names = {
Band 1}

With this file attached, GDAL will be able to read the egm96.grd file as a ENVI dataset.