Sensor model¶
The class otb::SensorTransformBase
is the base class for sensor
models. It inherits from otb::Transform
, which inherits from
. It is templated over the data type, and input and
output dimensions. All sensor model classes should inherit from it,
and implement the methods:
that takes aboost::any
object representing the model;IsValidSensorModel
that returns true if the model is correctly set;TransformPoint
that process the transformation.
RPC sensor model¶

The structure otb::Projection::RPCParam
is used to store the
parameters of the RPC model. It is based on GDAL’s RPC structure.
The RPC model is stored in the otb::ImageMetadata
object, using
the key MDGeom::RPC
. The classes otb::RPCTransformBase
and otb::RPCInverseTransform
are used
to perform forward and inverse transformation using this model.
The abstract class otb::RPCTransformBase
contains the
implementation of the SetMetadataModel method, which receives the RPC
description from the otb::ImageMetadata
and instantiates an
The classes otb::RPCForwardTransform
each implement a version of the
method which uses the otb::GDALRPCTransformer
SAR sensor model¶

The structure otb::SARParam
is used to store the parameters of the
SAR model. For an exhaustive list of the parameters available in the
, see the Doxygen.
The SAR model is stored in the otb::ImageMetadata
object, using
the key MDGeom::SAR
. The classes otb::SarTransformBase
and otb::SarInverseTransform
are used
to perform forward and inverse transformation using this model.
The abstract class otb::SarTransformBase
contains the
implementation of the SetMetadataModel method, which receives the
description from the otb::ImageMetadata
instantiates an otb::SarSensorModel
The classes otb::SarForwardTransform
each implement a version of the
method which uses the otb::SarSensorModel
Sensor Transform Factory¶
The class SensorTransformFactory
is designed to automatically
instantiate the best sensor transform based on the available
metadata. One should use the function CreateTransform
which is
templated over the scalar type used in the transform and the
dimensions of the input and output spaces. It takes as parameters a
pointer to the ImageMetadata object, and the direction of the
transform (either FORWARD or INVERSE). It returns a std::unique_ptr to
the transform object.
#include "otbSensorTransformFactory.h"
auto sensorModel = otb::SensorTransformFactory::GetInstance().CreateTransform <double, 2, 3>(imageMetadataPointer, TransformDirection::FORWARD);
auto worldPoint = sensorModel->TransformPoint(sensorPoint);